Alsace et Bastille

Alsace & Bastille - Conseil en Stratégie. Paris, Estoril
-Consultancy in Real Estate, Celebrity aviation, railway business, Consultancy in Export Strategy; E-mail: or to Twitter adress Vitor Pissarro @VitorPissarro

quarta-feira, 30 de novembro de 2011

Palácio da Cidadela em Cascais reabre ao público

Quarta-Feira, 30 Novembro de 2011
O Palácio da Presidência da República, antiga residência régia e onde morreu o Rei D. Luís, abriu as suas portas integrado num projecto de reabilitação da Nova Cidadela de Cascais,  e que, custou cerca de três milhões de euros...
Na sexta-feira,  dia 25 de Novembro, foi realizada a primeira cerimónia pública oficial, com a presença do Presidente da República - Cavaco Silva
O projecto do Palácio da Presidência da República visou a recuperação da antiga residência oficial do Presidente da República, onde já viveu o Marechal Carmona enquanto Chefe de Estado. Em Julho de 2009, quando a obra foi anunciada, o arquitecto responsável pelo projecto, Pedro Vaz, explicou que a obra de reabilitação do edifício consistia na criação de um “núcleo de museu da Presidência (Museu das Ordens Honoríficas), aposentos de comitivas e um espaço a ser visitado pelo público, além dos salões nobres que servirão para receber eventos e cerimónias”. O plano de recuperação para a Nova Cidadela de Cascais contemplou ainda a requalificação da Fortaleza de Nossa Senhora da Luz e a construção de uma pousada.
Encerrado há mais de 50 anos, o Palácio da Cidadela de Cascais abriu pela primeira vez ao público, após uma intervenção de reabilitação de todo o edifício. O projecto de reabilitação, da autoria do arquitecto Pedro Vaz, procurou o ponto de equilíbrio entre o respeito pela arquitectura e materiais da época e as necessidades de conforto, requisitos funcionais e exigências regulamentares contemporâneas. 
Além de um percurso interpretativo pelo Palácio, no qual será possível visitar as salas de aparato do Palácio, o antigo quarto do rei D. Luís ou a sala moçárabe, que serviu de gabinete de trabalho ao Presidente Craveiro Lopes, ficará patente até 26 de Fevereiro a exposição Jogo da Glória – o Século XX Malvisto pelo Desenho de Humor. Organizada a partir da colecção Ricon Peres, esta exposição revisita o século XX português e os principais acontecimentos políticos e sociais que o marcaram, através de um significativo conjunto de desenhos e ilustrações humorísticos pertencentes a uma das maiores colecções de iconografia referentes ao final do século XIX e todo o século XX, actualmente depositada no Museu da Presidência da República.
Desenvolve-se ao longo de cinco núcleos temáticos - Modernistas, Rostos, Guerra, Presidentes e 25 de Abril - e inclui obras de figuras bem conhecidas do público como Stuart de Carvalhais, Rafael Bordalo Pinheiro, Silva Monteiro, António, Cid, Amadeu de Sousa Cardoso, Almada Negreiros, Luís Afonso, Cristina Sampaio ou Sam.

Palácio da Cidadela

Paço Real desde 1870, o Palácio da Cidadela ficou afecto à Presidência da República depois da Revolução republicana. Desde então, foi casa de férias, residência temporária ou local de refúgio de vários Presidentes da I República e residência oficial do Chefe de Estado durante a longa magistratura de Óscar Carmona. De 26 de Novembro a 26 de Fevereiro abre, pela primeira vez na sua história, à fruição pública.

segunda-feira, 28 de novembro de 2011

Quinta da Marinha. riding horses and driving horses

What a lovely weekend at Cascais. The kids are doing their activities and I am walking around, enjoying the sun. At Quinta da Marinha, the kids are at their horse jumping lessons and several owners of Ferraris are also "exercising" the muscles' of their cars. It's nice to see. Noboby got hurt :)

sexta-feira, 25 de novembro de 2011

Fortaleza do Guincho restaurant (at Guincho beach) awarded with a star on the Michelin Guide 2012

O Ocean, chefiado pelo austríaco Hans Neuner, conquistou a segunda estrela Michelin. Já o Vila Joya, comandado por Dieter Koschina, viu renovada a distinção de duas estrelas Michelin que tem recebido desde 1999.

Quanto aos estabelecimentos com uma estrela, a lista do próximo ano, conta entre as novidades o Feitoria, cuja cozinha é da responsabilidade de José Cordeiro, e The Yeatman (Vila Nova de Gaia), que tem à frente Ricardo Costa. Ambos os chefes de cozinha já trabalharam na Casa da Calçada, em Amarante, para quem haviam conquistado uma estrela Michelin.

Na edição do próximo ano, que estará à venda esta sexta-feira por 23,90 euros, Portugal regista uma saída: o Amadeus (Almancil), que perde a estrela que detinha.

Mantêm a estrela os restaurantes Tavares (Lisboa) – que em 2011 viu sair o chefe José Avillez, sucedido por Aimé Barroyer –, Willie’s (Quarteira), São Gabriel e Henrique Leis (ambos em Almancil), Il Gallo d’Oro (Funchal), Arcadas da Capela (Coimbra), Casa da Calçada (Amarante) e Fortaleza do Guincho (Cascais).

O anúncio foi feito em Barcelona, na cerimónia de apresentação do guia para 2012, pelo director de mapas e guias de Espanha e Portugal da Michelin, Fernando Rubiato.

England is Portugal's best tourist emission country

English  just love to visit Portugal. And Portugal enjoys it. What are we doing to increase their visits to Estoril/ Cascais. Personally, I love how they enjoy themselves at Cascais centre.

quinta-feira, 24 de novembro de 2011

The Russians are coming!

 As a friend is telling me ( she is a Broker in real estate), Marbella is being bought by Russians; British are selling, Russians are buying. This may be happening in other locations. Is is also happening in Estoril/ Cascais?

quarta-feira, 23 de novembro de 2011

Como é possível que a Câmara de Cascais seja tão ineficiente!

Sobre os serviços da Câmara de Cascais, uma arquitecta desabafa:

"já ouvi dizer que a Câmara de Cascais é a 2ª pior a nível de tempo a pronunciar-se sobre os projectos. É uma pena... "

Eu não acredito que, neste momento de crise financeira, haja muitos projectos imobiliários para apreciar....

segunda-feira, 21 de novembro de 2011

Saturday, after the storm, I went to do some jogging at Quinta da Marinha

On friday, 18th November, the rain was very heavy at Cascais. We had some floodings and some damages. On Saturday morning, the sun showed up, and I went to Quinta da Marinha. While my daughter was at horse riding lesson at Quinta da Marinha riding school  , I went to do my jogging. The morning was lovely. There was a nice movement of people. There was a world presentation to the press of the new all terrain Mercedes M class. The germans brought a lot of trucks with special equipment to test the new cars. It was nice to see. At the new Onyria golf resort, the animation was big. A lot of players were going to the golf courses. Also nice.
The villas had their gardens well kept. It was a very nice and healthy morning.

sexta-feira, 18 de novembro de 2011

Presentation of Onyria Golf Resorts, at BBVA event about Turkey

On November 17th 2011, the BBVA organized an event about exporting to the turkish market. One of the speakers was José Carlos Pinto Coelho, of Onyria Golf Resorts. He spoke about his investment in Turkey. It was a good exemple of a an exelent concept of the 5 star hotel at Quinta da Marinha ( Cascais), exported to wonderful places in the world. Congratulations.
The group was created to undertake the integrated management of resorts, villas, hotels, golf courses and restaurants. It is a group that involves a whole family, spanning various generations and its aim is to offer the very best and create enduring moments.

The Onyria Group is a family enterprise, and its story is always recounted as such. Our past is today’s heritage, the here and now to be lived and worked to the full.  And in the future it will fulfill through dreams and challenges.

It all began in 1988, with the acquisition of a plot of land in the Quinta da Marinha, Cascais. As it was our first project in the field of hotel management, the Hotel Quinta da Marinha Resort is a very important landmark in our history, symbolizing an excellent beginning.

Our current and future touristic investments include various projects which are always situated in the most privileged locales: exquisite locations devoted to relaxation, but with the added advantage of always being close by to urban centres. This is how we offer our guests truly unforgettable experiences.

The Onyria Group has developed golf, business and pure leisure oriented projects at the following locations: Cascais (Hotel Quinta da Marinha Resort and Onyria Marinha Edition Hotel & Thalasso), the Algarve (Onyria Palmares Beach & Golf Resort), Turkey (Onyria Claros Beach & Spa Resort) and in France (Château des Vigiers).

The Onyria Group is also well represented in the health care area, covering the whole of Portugal, through the SMP - Serviço Médico Permanente (Permanent Medical Care Service).

It is with great pleasure that we introduce you to our investments, both nationally and internationally. A series of very different projects with one common goal: quality of life.

quinta-feira, 17 de novembro de 2011

"O vinho português é um dos melhores produtos mundiais" - Economia - DN

"O vinho português é um dos melhores produtos mundiais" - Economia - DN

Governo VS Troika. O que é que há de positivo?

O Governo ( Passos Coelho) diz que a avaliação da Troika foi muito positiva. A Troika dá uma entrevista e diz que o pior ainda está para vir. Afinal, o que é que há de positivo?  Ainda há alguém que acredita que estes "contabilistas" sabem o que estão a fazer? Será que já pensaram no "day after " após a austeridade? Qual é a forma de voltar a crescer após a austeridade?

quarta-feira, 16 de novembro de 2011

Mortgages for non-residents who dream about living in Portugal

GOOD NEWS! The bank CGD has a program to non-residents to buy a house in Portugal.
This information was given by Carla Alcaide
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LIVE IN PORTUGAL by CGD is the brand name for non-resident mortgages and other banking services of Caixa Geral de Depósitos (CGD). Established since  1876 CGD is a state owned bank and the leading bank and the largest Portuguese mortgage provider.
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terça-feira, 15 de novembro de 2011

Caminhar em Cascais com a AJU

 A AJU, composta por uma equipa coesa de voluntários e técnicos, é uma IPSS criada em 2001, no contexto de um dos bairros de realojamento social do concelho de Cascais. Nasceu com a missão de ajudar crianças em situação vulnerável, e respectivas famílias, motivando-as a encontrar o seu projecto de vida. Inspirada na vida e obra do Pe. Jerónimo Usera, a AJU “reconhecida” pelo seu trabalho e intervenção na comunidade, tem por objectivo a promoção integral da pessoa humana e da família, atendendo em especial os mais desfavorecidos e marginalizados.
Passo a passo, podemos mudar o mundo inteiro. No Sábado, dia 12 de Novembro, às 10h, realizou-se em Cascais a primeira Caminhada AJU. O passeio abraça o percurso de Cascais-Guia-Cascais, chegando a um total de 3Km, isto é, 6000 passos.
Associando-se ao programa Cascais Activo Viva 30, desenvolvido pela Câmara Municipal de Cascais, a AJU procura incentivar a prática de actividade física regular e promover estilos de vida activos e saudáveis que contribuam para uma melhor qualidade de vida de toda a população.
A Caminhada AJU procura a sustentabilidade e divulgação da associação, para que possa continuar a apoiar as famílias desfavorecidas do concelho. Reunindo Cascais em prol de uma causa, a AJU pretende garantir a coesão entre incluídos e excluídos, criando laços e sentido de comunidade.
Em resultado desta acção tomei conhecimento da participação activa do Agrupamento de Escuteiros de Cascais 729.
Também li comentários menos abonatórios de pessoas que ficaram retidas no transito, como por exemplo no blog
Em resumo, parabéns pela iniciativa.

sexta-feira, 11 de novembro de 2011

Happy S. Martinho's Day. Have some chestnuts and wine

In Portugal, this is the tradition. Eat roasted chetnuts and have wine in November 11th. I like to have port wine with chestnuts. Some like to eat them boiled

Nice pictures of Cascais

O Forte de São Jorge de Oitavos inaugura hoje, às 18h30, a exposição Cascais Panorâmica,com imagens captadas pelo fotógrafo Pedro J.N. Silva.

quinta-feira, 10 de novembro de 2011

Fisco inspecciona as casas que estão avaliadas por mais de 250 mil euros

É uma das prioridades da nova Autoridade Tributária e Aduaneira para evitar a fraude e a evasão fiscal. O Fisco vai apertar o controlo sobre as manifestações de fortuna para detectar rendimentos que não tenham sido declarados pelos contribuintes.

Debaixo da mira das Finanças vão estar, por exemplo, casas de luxo, como consta do Plano Estratégico de Combate à Fraude e Evasão Fiscais e Aduaneiras para o período de 2012 a 2014, a que o Diário Económico teve acesso.

terça-feira, 8 de novembro de 2011

Estoril Film Festival: Robert Pattinson & Sarah Gabon In David Cronenberg's 'Cosmopolis'

David Cronenberg's Freud-Jung tale "A Dangerous Method" starring Michael Fassbender, Viggo Mortensen and Keira Knightley has barely been released (check out our review Venice here) but it looks like marketing for his next feature, an adaptation of Don Delillo's urban-drama "Cosmopolis" is already underway. New photos of the film's stars Robert Pattinson and Sarah Gabon have been unveiled at the Lisbon and Estoril Film Festival with what looks (or, really, sounds) like a trailer also leaking. We'd advise to totally avoid the video as it's a pathetic excuse for even a leaked video but at least there's interesting new glimpses at Pattinson and Gabon, who growing to be a Cronenberg-regular after recently teaming with Cronenberg's son David on his directorial debut "Antiviral" and featuring in "A Dangerous Method" as well. "Cosmopolis" follows the story of Pattinson's Eric Packer, a 28-year-old multi-billionaire finance guru who drives around Manhattan in a high-tech, pimped out limo in order to get a haircut, with many interruptions along the way. Set within a 24-hour period, most of the novel takes place in his limousine and we assume the film will do the same. During his day, Packer loses millions of dollars for his clients by telling them to bet against the yen, and then is stalked by two men seemingly seeking revenge. Obsessed with sex, Packer spends the day cheating on his wife and trying to outwit the men that are after him. Robert fucking Pattinson, you say? Fear not: Cronenberg has surrounded the actor with a vast array of talent with Juliette Binoche, Paul Giamatti, Mathieu Amalric and Samantha Morton all co-starring. Check out the leaked trailer below as well as footage of the press conference where Cronenberg, Giamatti and Gabon discuss "Cosmopolis." [via BleedingCool]

segunda-feira, 7 de novembro de 2011

Carlos Ghosn au cours de l'entretien qu'il a accordé à Nicolas Stiel à Cascais au Portugal. (N.S. Challenges)

ENTRETIEN A l'occasion d'un long entretien qu'il a accordé à Challenges, le PDG de l'alliance Renault-Nissan a reconnu qu'il déléguait moins et passait plus de la moitié de son temps en France. 

"Prendre le leadership de la voiture électrique." Dans une salle toute blanche attenante à un grand hôtel de Cascais, dans la banlieue chic de Lisbonne, Carlos Ghosn égrène ses propos sur le ton de l’évidence. Ça y est, les premiers modèles zéro émission de Renault sont là: l’utilitaire Kangoo ZE, qui sort ces jours-ci, et la familiale Fluence ZE, en novembre. Deux véhicules vendus aux prix de leurs équivalents diesel, déduction faite de l’incitation fiscale de 5.000 euros, avec batterie au lithium-ion louée 82 euros par mois.
Deux véhicules très attendus. A l’automne 2009, les promesses tonitruantes de Ghosn aux Salons de Francfort et de Tokyo –il avait annoncé la sortie de huit modèles de l’Alliance d’ici à fin 2012 pour un investissement de 4 milliards d’euros– avaient suscité un certain émoi. Emoi renforcé quelques mois plus tard quand Renault-Nissan se faisait brûler la politesse par Peugeot, Citroën, Mitsubishi et Subaru, qui avaient beaucoup moins communiqué sur le sujet.
"Nous n'avons pas de concurrents... à ce prix-là"
Aujourd’hui, le constructeur franco-japonais reprend la main. "Nous n’avons pas de concurrents, assure Ghosn, ni à ce niveau de prix, ni à ce niveau de prestations, ni à ce niveau d’offres." Ajoutant qu’en 2016 Renault-Nissan aura commercialisé 1,5 million de véhicules propres. Pour un marché qui devrait atteindre 10% des ventes à la fin de la décennie.
L’électrique, Ghosn y croit plus que jamais. Et les récentes polémiques sur la sécurité des batteries au lithium-ion ne changent rien à l’affaire. "Il y a 16.000 Nissan électriques qui roulent aux Etats-Unis et au Japon. S’il y avait un problème flagrant, cela se saurait."
Quant à l’autre technologie de batterie, au lithium-métal-polymère, celle des voitures en libre-service Autolib’ de Bolloré, il n’y trouve rien à redire. "Paris a pris la solution la plus économique. J’ai vu Bolloré hier (mercredi 19, ndlr) et j’ai conduit sa Bluecar. C’est très bien. Nous avons intérêt à ce qu’il réussisse, ça stimulera la demande."
L’affaire des espions est assumée 
Teint bronzé, en raison d’un récent séjour au Brésil, chemise blanche sans cravate, le PDG de Renault-Nissan est heureux de parler du véhicule zéro émission. Un vrai défi, une rupture, qui lui permet d’oublier (un peu) la désastreuse affaire des vrais-faux espions. "Je me suis trompé, nous nous sommes trompés, il semble que nous ayons été trompés", avait-il déclaré le 14 mars au 20 Heures de TF1.
Quelques minutes avant sa conférence sur Kangoo ZE et Fluence ZE, il en reparle avec nous. De manière détendue, presque décomplexée, mais sans entrer vraiment dans l’exercice d’introspection. Cette histoire et son retentissement sur toute la planète furent, on s’en doute, un calvaire pour Ghosn, patron orgueilleux, adulé partout, sauf en France. Pour autant, il affirme n’avoir jamais eu la tentation de Venise – ou plutôt la tentation de Detroit, puisque General Motors lui avait fait un appel du pied il y a deux ans.
Un départ de Renault? L’hypothèse le fait éclater de rire. "Ai-je l’air si déprimé? Il n’y a pas un avant et un après. J’ai 57 ans, je suis patron de deux entreprises, ma carrière n’est pas devant moi. Je fais ce que j’ai à faire, je contribue. Je ne recherche pas de nouveaux horizons. Mon objectif, c’est de faire réussir l’Alliance, que l’on élargit maintenant à Daimler."
Après l’escapade lisboète, le groupe a annoncé une hausse de 11,9 % des ventes (9,7 millions d’euros), dont un record pour la branche automobile (+12%, à 9,3 millions). Et si le Losange a décrété, comme PSA, des mesures de chômage partiel, il confirme son objectif de progression des ventes et du chiffre d’affaires sur 2011.
Quant à l’affaire des vrais-faux espions, il rappelle que les responsables sont partis –quatre cadres dirigeants ont démissionné, dont son bras droit, Patrick Pélata– et que le service de sécurité a été remanié. "Je ne suis pas tellement à me retourner sur le passé, je me projette vers l’avenir. Je n’ai pas trop d’états d’âme sur ce qui s’est passé. Il y a des moments difficiles, je les assume. On en a tiré les conséquences vis-à-vis du conseil d’administration et de nos actionnaires."
Etre plus souvent en France
Depuis, Carlos Ghosn a repris les rênes de la maison. Son nouveau numéro deux, Carlos Tavares, a moins de pouvoir que Pélata. "Je suis le mandataire social, il n’y a qu’un patron chez Renault", martèle Ghosn. Les ressources humaines, l’audit, la maîtrise des risques et l’éthique sont désormais sous sa coupe, comme le haut de gamme, pour lequel il a de grandes ambitions. En particulier celle de créer une plate-forme commune avec Nissan et Mercedes.
Aujourd’hui, le PDG global délègue moins et passe plus de la moitié de son temps en France, contre 40 % avant l’affaire. Pas pour parfaire sa connaissance des pouvoirs publics ni cultiver son réseau avec les élus. Ghosn semble toujours aussi réfractaire au microcosme politique parisien. François Hollande? Connaît pas. Les clubs patronaux? Pas le temps d’y aller. "Je suis en France parce que je suis le patron de Renault. Quand je suis ailleurs, je sers l’Alliance." Une Alliance aux chiffres impressionnants. "Cette année, on dépassera les 8 millions de véhicules", dit Ghosn. De quoi rendre presque jaloux General Motors.
Nicolas Stiel (à Lisbonne)

Concerto para piano no Auditório Sra. da Boa Nova, no Estoril

Entre a maratona de filmes que o Lisbon & Estoril Film Festival lhe propõe até dia 13 de novembro no Casino e Centro de Congressos do Estoril, e se é dos muitos que hoje ficou sem bilhete para a sessão de antestreia do filme A Dangerous Method, de David Cronenberg, já esgotada, saiba que a escassos quilómetros, no Auditório Sra da Boa Nova, a Orquestra de Câmara de Cascais e Oeiras apresenta um concerto com obras de W. A. Mozart.

Sob a direção do maestro Nikolay Lalov e tendo como solista o conceituado pianista António Rosado, neste fim de tarde poderá ouvir um programa composto Abertura da Ópera "Il Re Pastore", o Concerto para piano N.º 13 em Dó Maior K415 e a Sinfonia N.º 36 em Dó Maior K425 "Linz". Imperdível!

sexta-feira, 4 de novembro de 2011

According with Wall Street Journal, Portugal has the best value for real estate buyers

"Price expectations have finally adjusted to the new reality. People are finally accepting that the game has changed," says Joachim Wrang Widen, director of Christie's International Real Estate in Europe.
In Portugal's ritzy Estoril, where James Bond's "On Her Majesty's Secret Service" was filmed, the price of a two-story villa with a gym, sauna, pool and separate art studio, all near the ocean and one of the area's top golf courses, was slashed 57% to $1.3 million from its original asking price of $3 million earlier this year.
The general consensus among real-estate agents is that Portugal currently offers the best value of the four countries for second-home buyers. It offers fewer crowds than Spain and Italy; the climate is temperate year round (though the Atlantic Ocean tends to be chillier than the Mediterranean) and it hasn't seen the rampant speculative development that occurred in Spain. Plus, prices for second homes have come down in the 15% to 50% range in the last year, says S. Rajan Sahay, founder of Atlas Property Portugal. He has a listing in the Praia D'El Rey Golf & Beach Resort, where a five-bedroom villa with views of the golf course and sea is down to $1.6 million from its original $2.5 million. He says the client would take $1.3 million in cash.
Most foreign home buyers head to the Algarve along Portugal's southern coast, which has lots of golf courses and luxury resorts. In Praia da Luz, a modern, three-bedroom villa with a heated swimming pool that's 1,000 feet from the ocean is asking $1.8 million, down from $2.1 million.
There are also discounts on the Silver Coast, north of Lisbon, which is richer culturally than the Algarve. A new 4,349-square-foot villa overlooking the Atlantic that has a large swimming pool is down 28% to $1.9 million since March.
Rules for foreign property buyers are fairly straightforward, says Gonçalo Figueira, a lawyer in the international department of Neville de Rougemont & Associados, which represents foreign buyers. A purchase requires a local representative and a local tax number. There's a 6% flat tax for properties over €550,000 ($795,000) and a sliding scale below that. Before recent changes, a purchaser had to get a deed in a public notary with lots of bureaucracy; now it is possible to register for property online and get a property granted in a private document as long as it is witnessed by a lawyer. Legal fees can run about $4,000.
Maria Nunes, an information-technology executive in Monroe Township, N.J., is looking now for a house in Caldas da Rainha, a museum-filled city about an hour's drive from Lisbon, where she hopes to spend a couple months a year. "A million dollars is a mansion there," she says.

quinta-feira, 3 de novembro de 2011

Cascais hosts the world presentation of the electric cars from Renault.

The presentation to the press started on September 29 and lasts until mid-November, with vehicles traveling between Lisbon (Airport) and Cascais (Hotel Onyria). Journalists from around the world will perform the first tests of the dynamic driving electric versions of the familiar Fluence and Kangoo passenger van.
According to the magazine “The fact that Portugal has a network of charging stations for fueling stations for electric cars was decisive for the choice of Renault benefit our country.”
In all, about 70 cars provided for a total of 720 journalists from around the world. According to Matador Records Bulletin, more than 40 nationalities of journalists in Portugal, which include, in addition to all the nations of Western Europe and most of Eastern Europe, other countries far away as Australia, India, China, Singapore , Israel, Russia, Morocco, Algeria, Brazil, Argentina and Mexico.

Estoril Film Festival, highlight at the international blog about films, Cinemaallaround

Estoril Film Festival which will take place in November 4-11, aiming to be a meeting point for audiences, film directors, artistic field figures, to discuss, discover and rediscover the art of cinema… (unfortunately George Clooney but I’m sure some other movie stars will appear)

quarta-feira, 2 de novembro de 2011

Follow the opinion of Elisa Grandizio, from Pennsylvania ( USA). Use this APP for translations.



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Communilator™ is the world’s first mobile phone language translation application capable of recognizing and translating foreign text (books, newspapers, menus, etc.) in 44 languages and dialects captured with the iPhone camera; of delivering translations in over 3,000 language-pairs; of providing High Quality (HQ) Speech for translations in 21 foreign languages; of Voice Recognition* for translation input; and of seamless integration with SMS and email.

• Translates entire phrases, sentences and blocks of text – Translate in 54 languages (Powered by Google Translate). Source text for translation can come from typed input, email, SMS, copy, photos and voice*. Auto detect feature for when you are unable to identify the language.

• Translation of foreign text images taken with the mobile phone camera – Need to translate foreign language books, newspapers, letters or other documents? Simply take a picture with your iPhone and within seconds read it in your native language.

• SMS and email language translation – Through its seamless integration with both SMS and email, communicate in 54 languages with friends, business associates and on social media sites globally.

• Spoken audio output for text translations – Listen to translations in High Quality (HQ) Speech (4X the resolution of standard telephonic audio output). Communilator has an extensive speech portfolio of 21 languages including 39 male and female voices.

• Saves “History” and “Favorite” translations with Speech offline

NOTE 1: The Free version of the Communilator includes an unlimited number of text translation in over 3000 language-pairs; auto detect; copy and edit features; seamless email/SMS integration; Voice Recognition* and History/Favorites for creating and storing custom translations.

NOTE 2: In-App purchase options:

A) Ad Free - $0.99

B) Full Feature Package - $2.99
- Ad Free
- Extend Text (500 to 2,500 characters/translation)
- Photo Recognition (ALL 44 supported languages)
- Speech (ALL 39 High Quality (HQ) Voices)

TRANSLATION LANGUAGES: Africans, Albanian, Arabic, Belarusian, Bulgarian, Catalan, Chinese-Simple, Chinese-Traditional, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Filipino, Finnish, French, Galician, German, Greek, Haitian-Creole, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Icelandic, Indonesian, Irish, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latvian, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Malay, Maltese, Norwegian, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Portuguese-Brazilian, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swahili, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, Vietnamese, Welsh, Yiddish

TEXT-TO-SPEECH LANGUAGES: Arabic, Catalan, Chinese-Simple; Chinese-Traditional, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, Galician, German, Greek, Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Portuguese-Brazilian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, and Turkish (total of 39 High Quality (HQ) Voices)

PHOTO RECOGNITION LANGUAGES: Africans, Albanian, Bulgarian, Catalan, Chinese-Simple, Chinese-Traditional, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Filipino, Finnish, French, Galician, German, Greek, Hungarian, Icelandic, Indonesian, Irish, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latvian, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Malay, Maltese, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Portuguese-Brazilian, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swahili, Swedish, Turkish, Welsh