Alsace et Bastille

Alsace & Bastille - Conseil en Stratégie. Paris, Estoril
-Consultancy in Real Estate, Celebrity aviation, railway business, Consultancy in Export Strategy; E-mail: or to Twitter adress Vitor Pissarro @VitorPissarro

quarta-feira, 29 de fevereiro de 2012

TROIKA REPORT: Is Portugal in the good direction? See what a greek analist told us in October 2011

TROIKA REPORT: Is Portugal in the good direction? See what a greek analist told us in October 2011. I think that he was right.
February 28th, 2012
Jornal de Negócios
The recession will go deeper in 2012, to 3,3%, the unemployment will rise to 14,5% ( 800 000 jobless)., But Finance Minister sais that things are  going in the good way ( how is that?). 
O ministro das Finanças anunciou hoje uma revisão do cenário macroeconómico, antecipando uma recessão mais profunda de 3,3%, em vez de 3%, acompanhada de um desemprego mais elevado, superior a 14%. O anúncio foi feito por Vítor Gaspar na conferência de imprensa em que comunicou a passagem de Portugal no terceiro exame da "troika", que permitirá a Portugal receber nos próximos meses mais 14,6 mil milhões de euros.

(...)o "desemprego continuará a crescer em 2012 e 2013, devendo atingir 14,5% em 2012 e dimimuir apenas ligeiramente para menos de 14% em 2013".

Ainda assim, Vítor Gaspar diz que a avaliação externa confirma que “Portugal está no bom caminho”, tendo a “generalidade das medidas sido cumprida”, apesar "da deterioração das condições envolventes”.

A meta do défice de 4,5% para este ano será mantida, disse, depois de ter anunciado que o valor de fecho das contas de 2011 resultou num Saldo orçamental negativo equivalente a 4% do PIB em 2011.

A Greek analist said in a post of this blog, in October 2011, about Portugal.
I think that he was right!
Portuguese brothers. I would like to let you know how the next two years are going to be for you.

1) They will cut some wages in order to reduce the deficit. They will promise you development in exchange for that but it will not come...

2) They will threaten you with bankruptcy and its consequences (perhaps they will say that they will not give you the next dose of the loan...This will happen many many times..). With this excuse they will cut even more of your wages and they will put more taxes. Of course they will again promise development...

3) The development will not come (because it means investments and you don't have money for that...) so they will put more taxes, they will cut more wages, they will cut benefits from they unemployed, the incapable, the elderly and every other weak social group....

4) During this period they will bombard you with television "experts" who will say to you that "there is no other way", "we have to do this because it is patriotic" and terrifying things like that in order to make you feel really scared. As I already said they will threaten you before you will receive a dose of the loan that they will not give it to you do exactly as they say...

5) Nothing will be improved with this IMF-Eurozone mechanism. They will make false predictions about almost everything (especially when it come to recession they are not very good..) and they will blame you for not taking they correct (or that you have delayed to take them...) austerity measures in the wright time...

6) They will degrade your standards of living in levels of a few decades before (in Greece currently we live as if we were living in the 70's...and they are taking us even further back in past) and they will think of your people that live under the limit of poverty just as some numbers in some statistics.

Don't let them destroy your children's lives...Its in your hands. Viva la revolutions....


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